14 January, 2009

Virginity For Sale

A woman auctions off her virginity - says it's a feminist act

So, the backstory is that "She's a feminist, working on her master's thesis on the dichotomous nature between virginity and prostitution." I do have a questions....What DOES a virgin look like Tyra? Is his or her voice higher than non-virgins? Do they give off a certain scent of purity..? A certain ...musk perhaps??

I'm genuinely curious about what people think....especially "feminists" whether you be... a Marxist Feminist..a radical...liberal..and so on and so on.....

On a side note.... this is the conversation that took place when our ex-IT guy IM'd me this article:
Conversation with imdahoe208 at 11:13AM (yes that's really his IM name)

Imdahoe208: http://jezebel.com/5075432/tyra-woman-auctioning-off-her-virginity-says-it-is-a-feminist-act
dont you find that a bit odd

Me:what i find more odd... is that you are on the site jezebel.com

Imdahoe208:you know what i find more odd


Imdahoe208: that someone would pay 3 million. and ya right i read that site. is it popular/

Me: My bad. I haven't had coffee yet. So do you still have that voodoo doll you made of me?

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