29 August, 2009

no title


In a deserted place in Iran there is a not very tall stone tower that has neither door nor window. In the only room (with a dirt floor and shaped like a circle) there is a wooden table and a bench. In that circular cell, a man who looks like me is writing in letters I cannot understand a long poem about a man who is in another circular cell is writing a poem about a man who in another circular cell... The process never ends and no one will be able to read what the prisoners write.
-Jorge Luis Borges

28 August, 2009

What's that you say? Remaking The Prisoner??


Nylon Article...

um..sounds sort of....weak.... Wasn't that sort of the point of the original Prisoner... to push boundaries and create a surreal diegesis?

"The stars promise that this version won't be quite as surreal as the original, which reflected the rumored widespread...er, partying among the production team. "The pushed a lot of boundaries in the original," says Campbell Bower. "All the guys who were doing it were on LSD, improvising a lot. But this one is far more Americanized than its predecessor."

Hmm...so then... why not just come up with your own twisted/mystery/thriller/david lynchian primetime series? Instead of ripping off a cult classic and then stripping it of all its cryptic-Operation Epsilon qualities... and well.... making it "Americanized".

[T]housands of other dead things and people were pushing me inside and forcing the lid down on me.

My mind possessed the wisdoms of the ages, and there were no words adequate to describe them.

my childhood....

and just for the hulluvit....remember this??


24 August, 2009

Love L'Amour Ihr Lo

"Powerful infatuations can be induced by the skillful potioneer, but never yet has anyone managed to create the truly unbreakable, eternal, unconditional attachment that alone can be called Love."

-Hector Dagworth-Granger, founder of the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers

oh...why Good Morning Monday....

I suppose by now it's Monday Afternoon.... here are a few TREATS to get this sublime week on it's way... The first is Marky in the infamous green man suit.... the second... well I'm just wondering if the plaintiff has a steady arsenal of these little goodies in their pocketbook at all times... just wondering...

18 August, 2009

Depeche Mode at the Hollywood Bowl, August 17th

Precious and Fragile things
Need special handeling
My God, what have we done to you?
We always tried to share
The tenderest of care
Now look what we have put you through

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
With words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give

Angels with silver wings
Show them no suffering
I wish I could take the pain for you
If God has a master plan
That only he understands
I hope it's your eyes he's seeing through

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
With words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give

I pray you learn to trust
Have faith in both of us
And keep room in your heart for two

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
With words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give

so precious. <3

17 August, 2009

Depeche Mode @ Hollwood Bowl, August 16th

I've Learned
So Much from God
I can no longer call myself
A christian A hindu A muslim A buddhist A jew A man A woman An angel

I mean... sadly..these videos just don't really even do the whole show justice (the sound, dave's performance, dave's voice, the projection, the fully-packed Bowl, the wave during never let me down again, Jared leto, The Grey's Anatomy Lesbian, the really tanned guy from No Doubt...)

10 August, 2009

pics & written: it was written

All right, God, say that You are really there. You have put me in this fix. You want to test me. Suppose I test You? Suppose I say that You are not there? You've given me a supreme test with my parents and with these boils. I think that I have passed Your test. I am tougher than You. If You will come down here right now, I will spit into Your face, if You have a face. And do You shit? The priest never answered that question. He told us not to doubt. Doubt what? I think that You have been picking on me too much so I am asking You to come down here so I can put You to the test!
I waited. Nothing. I waited for God. I waited and waited. I believe I slept.

07 August, 2009


i feel like this....when i listen to this....

To be made of glass
When two suns are shining
The battle becomes blinding
To be made of glass
But we ride tonight, tonight, tonight we ride

And with two suns spinning
At two different speeds
Was born a hot, white diamond
Burning through the rainbow
Flames fell into orbit
To hold eternally
Two heavenly spirits
That just wouldn't seem

To be made of glass
When two suns are shining
The battle becomes blinding
To be made of glass
But we ride tonight, tonight tonight we ride

my future bedroom...

who wants to sleepover!!!!


that shirt!

i want!


Spike Jonze's Where the Wild Things Are..... for me this is heaven...

Quit your whinging and CLICK HERE to watch the NEW TRAILER

06 August, 2009

why yes...you ARE hot

Best Quotes on our current Financial Crisis
* "The way Tim Geithner has structured the banking plan, the Obama Administration will, sooner or later, almost certainly be facing another AIG bonuses-type of outrage."

* “Worsening economic figures are being used to confirm that more bailouts are needed rather than that previous ones might be failing. The logic is much like medieval blood letting: The patient died because we didn't drain Enough of his blood.”

* Senior S&L Regulator Says Government Engaging in Massive Cover-Up of Economic Crisis: "The entire strategy is to keep people from getting the facts"

* Nobel economist Paul Krugman: "These days America is looking like the Bernie Madoff of economies: For many years it was held in respect, even awe, but it turns out to have been a fraud all along"

* Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz: "Quite frankly, this amounts to robbery of the American people. I don't think it's going to work because I think there'll be a lot of anger about putting the losses so much on the shoulder of the American taxpayer."

* Congress Grayson: "Stop stealing our money"

* Economist: "What we have is something perilously close to a dictatorship of the Fed and the Treasury, acting in the interests of Wall Street"

* "The real AIG scandal is that the company's trading partners are getting fully paid rather than taking a haircut."

* Former AIG chief: Government used AIG "to funnel money to other institutions, including foreign banks"

* Analyst: "Technically, the U.S. is already bankrupt because it has a debt that is almost four times the size of its economy"

* Leading economist: ""The Treasury is spreading the fire, not putting it out"

* Nobel Economist Ed Prescott: ""Don’t subsidize inefficiency.... let these businesses go bankrupt. They gambled, they lost. That’s part of life"

* Nobel economist Myron Scholes: Existing over-the-counter CDS should be ""blown up" and closed out"

* TARP watchdog: "We do not seem to be a priority for the Treasury Department"

* TARP watchdog: "The very notion that anyone would infuse money into a financially troubled entity without demanding changes in management is preposterous."

* Obama to Bankers: "“My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks."


Rut Ro!!!!! Rifff Rafffffffffff

hey, do you wanna party, i've got free conDAMS