18 August, 2008

Overheard at the Death Star: A work story

For the sake of others.. lets just refer to the participants of this conversation as: daft$star, LR and Pippen.  For the most part, daft$tar and LR mind their own business- naturally having occasional outbursts.... sometimes involving the IT guy, the well known office PA 'ahopelost', Skittles the Office Manager... or just simply playing their music too loud. 

One fine Monday, Pippen, the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed young chap made his daily stop at the Music Video Department to say 'Good Day' to daft$tar and LR.  It was on this very day that Pippen decided he wanted to discuss a very, very dark subject.  The subject of Erotic Asphyxiation.

The story goes a little bit like this: (Writing in parenthesis, suggests action)

Pippen: LR...LR... Why is it... that all women like to be choked.  They're all just DOWN for it.  Like I mean EVERY girl I've been with , totally digs it.  (After many claims of sexual conquests and suggestions hinting towards his sexual prowess...etc...etc)

Daft$tar: Well Pippen,  Maybe they all just thought that dying would be much better than having sex with you.  (This comment was made after a series of grimaces & eye contact with LR... done entirely without Pip even noticing).

(This comment elicits hysterical laughter from anyone within earshot.  Including Accounting Duane).

LR:  Well, I mean.. It really depends on If said male subject is good at what he's doing.  I was once with this guy Pablo who just wouldn't stop...and you know... it wasn't good... (is interrupted)

Pippen:  You dated a guy named Pablo?  Was that like a sex code name?  (daft$tar is now in stitches....a mixture of giggles and a sheer look of disgust has spread across his face...he DETESTS heterosexual banter)

LR:  I wouldn't call us dating (is interrupted again)

Pippen:  Wasn't Pablo the guy with AIDS on the real world?  (at this point daft$tar squeals with anger, frustration, angst, hatred...and is possibly a little bit turned on all at the same time)

Pippen:  What is he like gay jesus or something?


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