19 August, 2008

Overheard at the Death Star: Is there really any difference between an Almond Joy or a Mound?

*Please make yourself aware of the annotated bibliography at the bottom (Diana Hacker you can eat your heart out)

A friend of a friend came into work today and claimed to be dressed ’like a lesbian’. And to be quite honest, she was right.

I overheard her explaining her lesbian garb to the character known as "Federal Express or Fed Ex" anyhow her lesbian wear went a bit like this: vans sneakers without socks, denim shorts that retire just above the knee, and a t-shirt with unshaven legs to boot.

To which Federal Express replied "But you always look like a lesbian" (as he squinted to get a better look at her) 1

She gave him a look of disgust, which was quickly replaced by a look of loving kinship. 2

Fed Ex proceeded to share his profound southern logic with the frigid, new england originating, self-loathing synthetic lesbian....

"You look like the diva that you are….gettin’ whateva you want….You come into work one day….wantin’ one thing…. Come in the next day wantin’ somethin’ else… Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t"…

Fed Ex taught us all something that day….


1) Fed ex is partially blind. I think he has cateracs (sp?)
2) It is impossible to stay mad at people from Arkansas.

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